Monday, June 21, 2010

Kayla's 1st Dance Recital!

Kayla finally had her first dance recital! We ended up not telling people about it cause tickets were so expensive and didnt really know what to expect. Thought it would be real low key but ended up being this huge event. Kayla did so good... so proud of her!

The horrible waiting room!! This is only about half of the people that were in here. It was crazy and hot!

Waiting in line to go perform

This was her first night....

After their first night performance! The girls were so happy

second night performance.... better seats but singer was in the way. :(

Her dancing friends.... a week before the big event

Kayla'a 4th Birthday Party

Kayla loves Dora... so we had a Dora themed party. She had so much fun! Sun was shining and kids were playing!

Some of the outdoor activities

this ball was a huge hit!! you put the kids inside them and roll them down the hill! :)

Kayla & Jacob's family birthday party!

We celebrated Jacob turning 2 and Kayla turning 4 with a joint family birthday party.... luau style. Lots of fun!!